Start up a business with no money or Self Employed + Veterans Military SBA
okay this video’s got something for you I got grants here 20 different Grant programs how to pitch them and how to get the money. I had one of you reach out to me that was a veteran that has been in the service and requested. This video so here’s to you the process of applying to a grant and how to get them and featuring a few grants that are just for veterans and also 20 grants many of them you can get depending on what situation you’re in now these are 20 different Grant locations that have grants for you. Start up a business with no money that is perfect idea for business
That I’m going to to show you and how to get those grants and some are even specially catered towards different groups of people but they’re are all different categories one is probably for you now veteran businesses grants are like winning a jackpot for your business dreams unlike loans or debts that you got to pay back. These grants offer a free cash to kickart or expand your business imagine getting funds to boost what ever you’re worried about doing and not having to return. The money sounds awesome right well you’re awesome that’ s just the way. It goes now bagging these grants isn’t a walk in the park got to be honest with you you have to put in the work it’s a bit like trying to score the last concert ticket of a game that everybody wants it’s competitive and it takes time but they are possible and they pay off and they’re huge to snag some of these funds for your businesses.
We’ve snagged in this household in this house $480 Million worth of Grants to help people you got to have a cause you got to have a need to make an impact to really put and get these grants so where do you start. start well picture this there’s a treasure map that has a x on it and it marks the spot where you can get these grants.
There are places specifically meant for Veterans for different types of categories for women for black for Hispanic for all types the government’s giving away money and I got 20 different places to share with you . That’s incredible that are giving this money away one of them is just general for everybody owners like you know it’s like hunting for that golden opportunity first off the government agencies start up a business with no money that is perfect idea for business like the SBA they off offer a lot of Grant programs that are tailored to Veterans specifically as well as to you or anybody else that’s not a veteran now there are private organizations and nonprofits that also offer grants exclusively for veteran entrepreneurs as well now in case you don’t manage the snag a grant don’t lose hope there are still others ways to finance your business you’ve got options like low interest loans those zero interest.
credit cards that I tell you guys about business credit and business credit cards as well as crowdsourcing platforms where people support your dreams as well as videos I’ve made on 17 places where kind and rich people will just give you money and my thing here is to solve your money program I don’t want to fail you I want to make sure I help you here’s a cool tip there are loads of free resources out there that can help you fund your business think of workshops mentorship programs that I showed you
with the 8A program which I did a complete video on that crushed it where you get free mentorship for years to help the government become one of your customers an online tool that’s a guide for entrepreneurship we’ve got that uh Verizon fund that basically has a whole educational program even if you don’t get the grant they still give you the education so to all you veteran owners and people who are dreaming big chase these grants explore the options and tap into these free resources the business
success stories that are stacking up that are sending me emails is unbelievable and let’s face it if Dr fouchy can get 10,000 Grands under his name you should too so make sure you like it in I’m not special we got grants and you can get a grant too my name is Andrew cartright I’m here to help you get money leverage it and invested been broken homeless a multi-millionaire grants are a great way to dig yourself out of a hole so I’ve started 32 companies and SE in 17 different Industries I’m here to help you by
buying businesses so make sure you check out my link in Epic 99 down below where we buy businesses together that are successful and if you need a loan for your business and a grant doesn’t work for you got 10 different programs the link is also in the description and I do fix and flip and hard money I just am trying to get you guys money anyway I can the second service Foundation previously known as share Street Foundation is a hub for and their spouse is looking to boost their business one of the coolest things they offer is the
military entrepreneur challenge right here this is the first one this is the military entrepreneur Channel which gives their spouses the opportunity to pitch and register different programs which is absolutely incredible you should definitely check this one out the next up is Warriors Rising which is a nonprofit for veterans to help veteran entrepreneurs I love this veter preneurs this is a whole thing I guess they got a six-step development program that they’re doing and it’s for startup business grants too which is a big thing
right where people want to register and be able to get those startup grants to get going feed the soul foundation for restaurants Business Development programs this to also if you look here categories black IND like all types citizens LGBT people of disabilities you got a disability you’re in luck and guess what January 31st 2024 is when this one is going to so don’t miss out on that Chicago job creators Quest this is another big one and this is a louan. Louisiana based business eligible for a total of
$100,000 100 Grand in funding again if you identify as military I guess you’d have to enlist to do that something are identify as LGBT black. Hispanic or Latino uh so that’s another one 500 to 5 million in annual funding .February 26 2024 which is amazing we got that Federal Express which also pycho opens in 2024 $330,000 in Grants annually we’ve got the farmers veteran um Fellowship fund which is another Incredible One. January through February 1424 still have time to jump on this one the small business grant offers the assistance to Veterans and early stages of running and farming and ranching businesses this is an Incredible One Michigan veterans entrepreneur.
lab Texas women University veterans women can get these grants National Association of self-employed I’ve covered that one you want to don’t want to miss out on that one and small business Innovation research Grant this is the sbir that I talk about and this is a big one that sbtt transfer which is part of the SBA this is open to everyone but veterans can get access to that too Southern
California job creators Grant this is another one that makes you eligible again we’ve got regions um that you can do it in and you can pre-register again you got that 2024 cycle Beyond open business grant program this is $10,000 so this is a incredible one again background include veteran minorities women lgbtq plus individuals and individuals with disabilities the key here is individuals so it’s cool also we’ve got Stefan tad lock veteran Grant this is somebody this is probably a private Foundation of 5 million not toe xceed 5 million they’re closing out then we got the regional Grant $20,000 here which is another one that’s incredible start business grant vinmo has that Grant no about that one that one’s gone and then the US Chamber of Commerce which they recycle this one so that one will be up on the radar again as well as eBay up and running grant that one will cycle through this one is year round the grant.
govt don’t miss out go there they got thousand thousand of Grant programs that you can type in your individual stuff and then we got Grant watch which is another great Grant listing profile that you can browse the directory and check it out $18.
Weekly subscription paid subscription for that which is incredible with that Grant watch so don’t miss out on that grant.
gov which is incredible this is the the site right here grant.gov all right so like I promised five steps on how to get through a grant .
we got to pick one we’re going to pick the military entrepreneurship challenge so what’s in store with Mac Speedy coaching session which is like a crash course. In getting a pitch perfect then you’re going to do a private pitch session where you’re going to present your business to a of Judges who will check to see whether you have the potential to do this and finally there’s the grand finale you get to pitch your heart out in front of a live audience it’s like the climax of a feel-good movie it’s your business you’re talking about in the spotlight and by this time you should know it now the military uh entrepreneur challenge which they’re calling Mech is incredible opportunity tailored towards military connected to entrepreneurship and small businesses they’re a three-part event which is overall absolutely empowering and supporting the initiative to help people so step number one register online to
attend first things you got to sign up online and attend the event remember the event has a speeding coaching service session which is a critical step in participating in the overall pitch challenge that you have but this space is limited based on the venue so don’t uh don’t dwell on this make sure you do it once you’re registered set to move to the next which is Step number two create your business one page this step is about showcasing your business in a nutshell you’ll be crafting your business on one piece of paper using a service. Foundation template that they’ll give you most of these uh.
Grant programs have actual templates some of them don’t because they don’t know what they’re doing just be honest. This document is like the it once you’re registered set to move to the next which is Step number two create your business one page this step is about showcasing your business in a nutshell you’ll be crafting your business on one piece of paper using a sneak preview of their or the the roles that you’re going to play in the initial process with that second service Foundation staff that’s going to help judge they’re the judging panel that are going to help with this Challenge number three is you’re going to apply the pitch for competition
you’re going to compete and here comes the exciting plate applying for actual pitch competation you’re going to be able to check out the upcoming events and apply for at least 30 days prior to choosing the event your application along with your business one page will be crafted and reviewed by that panel and if you’re selected that semi-finalist there we’ll go on to the final round number four you’re going to prepare your pitch and congratulations you’ve made it to the semi-finals now
it’s time to shine craft your two-minute pitch about your business and be ready with questions with the judges don’t be shy bring your a me your prototypes visuals and spice it up with your presentation the greatest gift about this win or lose is that you start thinking you start thinking about what you do in your business you never know who you’re going to be in front of or who you’ll inspire you may not need this money by the time you get going with your business successful pitches often cover aspects of social impact your
personal stories customers needs that want this your team history what they’ve been doing and it should fire them up and how you can win over win them over and win the world over by imp the impact that your business does military entrepreneur challenge the pitch competition as two rounds in the first round you have that you have the semi-final pitch in the panel respective judg a pick the cream of the crop the ones who rise to the top those three finalists well they’re going to be in a live audience in round two and the
audience gets to vote on their favorite favorite and voila the overall winners will be crowned you’ll get a crown or you probably won’t but you’ll get money this challenge isn’t just for winners it’s about the incredible opportunity to showcase your business Acumen gain exposure and network most importantly with influential figures in the industry so gear up and get ready to be able to put it out there be all out there because even if you don’t get these it’ll be a catalyst to get your business
needs met and start having you think about different ways you can get it the wrong thing to do here is nothing all in all the veteran and their spouses that do this and these business ideas that have been brewing well entrepreneurs have this Challenge and it’s incredible it’s a chance to Showcase your entrepreneurial spirit and grab the grant money and turn your business your dream into a reality so don’t wait make sure you jump on it get your ideas polished up practice your pitch who knows you might just walk away with the
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